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Global Warming

   Global Warming can be known as the increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere due to different causes . According to scientists , its temperature is gradually increasing mainly because of human activities . Now this essay presents some of its causes , effects , and preventive measures and solutions . 
           Some of the major causes of global warming include ejection of unwanted gases or greenhouse gases due to human activities and volcanic eruptions . It has been estimated that average global surface temperature is likely to rise a further 1.1 to 6.4℃ during the 21st century as the result  of ejaculation of the gases . On Earth , the major greenhouse gases involve water vapor , carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , ozone ( O 3 ) and nitrous oxide ( N 2O) . These gases are produced by burning solid wastes , fossil fuels , firewood and modern farming . Similarly , automobiles and factories are other factors that produce these produce these unwanted gases . Therefore, we can say that urbanization , industrialization, over-population and deforestation are major man - made causes of global warming . Likewise , volcanic eruptions also contribute to rising the average temperature of the atmosphere , but it cannot be controlled by human beings . 
Some alarming effects of global warming are prone to occur . Some of them are glacial melting , sea- level rise , weather extremes , such as heavy rain and no rain , and so on . Other effects of global warming include changes in precipitation levels , agricultural yields , trade routes ,glacier retreat , species extinctions and emergence of new diseases . Thus , these natural disasters are attributed to global warming . Because of these disasters, increasing deaths , displacements of people, economic losses, landslides , over-flood, are directly attributed to weather extremes, For example, people cannot settle in hot regions and are compelled to migrate to colder areas , which leads to over- population problems in certain colder lands .
In order to alleviate the catastrophic effects of global warming, some preventive measures and solutions are to be effectively implemented . For instance, the gases produced from factories should be trapped by developing modern technologies . Similarly, instead of burning different fuels, electricity or solar-power is to be used . Likewise, preserving natural resources, for example the jungle, the temperature of the earth can be controlled .
Unnecessary urbanization and industrialization should be reduced by enforcing legal provisions in all the states of the world . In the same way, afforestation program are to be effectively planned and implemented all over the world .

We can say that human beings are the prime causes of global
warming  . Their irrational activities have made the earth hotter and hotter . Any scientific discoveries and industries are to be used for the well- being of human beings including all the living creatures of the world . 

             Therefore , each nation and person must promise not to pollute the nature gifted by Almighty

